Monday, November 26, 2012

Self portrait progression ....

I've decided to tackle a self portrait but instead of the usual I thought it be interesting to do one entitled "Dark Side" 
I have always disliked self portraits because they reveal a lot more about you then you are usually willing to reveal in the first place. This time I figured why not put all the "ugly" on the table and see what comes of it. I'm using this as a learning experience. 
the original source (my face)

stage one

stage two 

Finished Product

Halloween ! (yeah I know its the Christmas Season)

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... I am finally operating from my own computer again. Hints my absents from this here blog. Now that i'm all set up I'll be about to stay up to date on posting my latest "experiments" and creations. 

So what I did miss was Halloween. This year I made my own wonder woman  costume out of things I had laying around in my bedroom and a few craft supplies. I was able to wear this costume twice and it held up well at both a party & trick or treating. 

The Beginning.

testing out the bottoms material

the progression of my work

the finished costume and its debut 

was so proud of it had to do a lil shimmy in it