Sunday, September 14, 2014

Two Face

For the party my boyfriend, Casey, decided her want to be a villain. After debating he decided on Two-Face. 

  • Old Blazer
  • Button Up Shirt
  • Pants
  • Old Tie
  • Paint (acrylic & puffy)
  • Face Paint
  • Various Brushes 
  • Time 

The girls and Casey helping with the jacket. 

Casey before I worked my crafty magic.

Let the birthday girl help with the initial painting of his face.

The finished face paint by me. 

Harvey Dent side.

Two Face with his Mother dressed as the Joker

Two Face. 

Myself (Hippie Wonder Woman) Two Face and his nephew still in his soccer uniform

Thursday, September 11, 2014

She-Thor !

My boyfriends niece, Aliyna, had a super hero themed birthday party for her 5th birthday, (being as its Super Hero September) and she requested everyone where a costume to her party. Naturally my help was requested by some to make a few costumes for the party. One of the last costumes I started and competed was She-Thor for Aliyna's Aunt Bobbi. 

The Various Costumes Hung Up Drying

The supplies, The Process, The Finished Product 
The Supplies 
  • A Bra
  • Glitter Ribbon 
  • Brown Ribbon
  • Mask
  • Glitter Foam Paper
  • Grey Foam Paper
  • Duct Tape
  • Pants
  • Apron
  • Felt
  • Puffy Paint
  • Paper Towel Roll
  • Shoe Box 
  • Hot Glue 


Arielle testing out her Aunt's accessories 

The Finished Costume 

Fun With Aunty Leni !

My boyfriend has two nieces and they both LOVE to do arts and crafts with me. So I have to think of new crafts and fun things for them to do. (You can only draw pictures so many times before it gets old) Strolling through the kids section in various stores I found a few plain pieces and decided I found my next craft for them. 

 First I found this dress for the oldest, Arielle, seeing as she wants to be an artist someday I figure she should look the part. lol

In action creating the first Arielle Quinn original 
The next project I did with both girls and their cousin. I bought plain black skirts and paint one detail for each of them myself then told them to go WILD. 


Arielle's friend joined us and asked if I could make some shirts for him and his brother. 

All Three Skirts

Arielle, Amaura, & Aliyna

Cheetah Print, Spider-Man, & Captain America

Friday, July 18, 2014

Puffy Paint projects for the kids !

Various things i've made/decorated for the kiddies....
A shirt for my Bf's nephew Blain 

Boxes I decorated for my bf's nieces loom bracelet bands 

Camo Box for my bf's nephew Mike 

A journal for Blain's birthday

DIY : Clothing and Recycling Pt.1

One Thing to Another....

Thrift shop jeans turned shorts 

T-Shirt turned Dress

T-shirt turned skirt 

Old Men's T-shirt 

Now a skirt !

Monday, April 21, 2014

Wonder Woman Part II....

One day 
while I was babysitting  my boyfriends nieces the youngest one, Aliyna, decided she wanted to play dress up. Well unlike most people my age I have a bag of dress up stuff, old costumes from halloween and things I used when I worked in retail during the Fall months. She was instanly obsessed with my old wonder woman costume I made myself a couple years ago. So we safety pinned and tie the top and the belt on her and she insisted on wearing my boots (a size 8, shes 4 years old) 
Mini Wonder Woman 

check the boots!

almost wardrobe malfunction...

handy tie work

The she took the Cleopatra dress I made and declared herself QUEEN OF THE SUPERHEROS !

So after a day of being Wonder Woman and wearing my costume to Bob Evans (including the boots) I told her if she was good i'd make her her very own Wonder Woman costume. 
Everything except the crown...

TaaDaaa! Mini Wonder Woman !

The she continued her "superhero training"

she was also hyped on cotton candy....

Me & Wonder Woman when it was cool down time.

Mini Wonder Woman and her Big Sister, Arielle attack my bf, there uncle.