Last year for Halloween I knew I'd be with the kids (godkids & nieces) for the whole week of festivites and I wanted to make a kick-ass costume that I coluld match at least one of the kids and I could stay warm in while roaming the neighborhoods or the local trunk or treats. My godson was probably the last kid to pick a costume and he choose Darth Vadar. I'd been wanting to make a Princess Leia costume (the white dress and buns one) for a looooooong time so I took this as my chance,
I attempted to take pictures of the whole process of making this costume but I did make this whole thing last minute and I aint have time for that, but I can tell you how I did it all. First I started with a pack of white full bedsheets from Family Dollar. I laid them out on my floor and drew out the basic dress parttern. A front for the top, a back for the top, the skirt, 2 sleeves, a collar, and the hood. I didn't make a liner because I planned to wear layers of clothing underneath. I sewed together the top pieces first and added the sleeves. I initally made my sleeves too tight so that took quite a bit of adjusting. After I got the top to fit just right I added the skirt pieces. Last I stitched on the collar and added the hood. I left an opening in the back of the hood so my head would fit when I pulled the dress over my head. The belt was the easy part. I used sheets of foam, cut into strips, silver duct tape and puffy paint. After soome tweaking and adjusting and fighting my braids into buns I was ready to go.
My godson was happy and I was happy. While trick or treating in my parents neighborhood and people really liked my costume. A few people even asked if they could take my picture. I have no idea what i'm going to be this year but I think i'll get started now. lol
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