Monday, April 21, 2014

Wonder Woman Part II....

One day 
while I was babysitting  my boyfriends nieces the youngest one, Aliyna, decided she wanted to play dress up. Well unlike most people my age I have a bag of dress up stuff, old costumes from halloween and things I used when I worked in retail during the Fall months. She was instanly obsessed with my old wonder woman costume I made myself a couple years ago. So we safety pinned and tie the top and the belt on her and she insisted on wearing my boots (a size 8, shes 4 years old) 
Mini Wonder Woman 

check the boots!

almost wardrobe malfunction...

handy tie work

The she took the Cleopatra dress I made and declared herself QUEEN OF THE SUPERHEROS !

So after a day of being Wonder Woman and wearing my costume to Bob Evans (including the boots) I told her if she was good i'd make her her very own Wonder Woman costume. 
Everything except the crown...

TaaDaaa! Mini Wonder Woman !

The she continued her "superhero training"

she was also hyped on cotton candy....

Me & Wonder Woman when it was cool down time.

Mini Wonder Woman and her Big Sister, Arielle attack my bf, there uncle.