Saturday, May 28, 2016

Comic Book Shoes

Sometimes when your scrolling through Pintrest you see and idea and 'think i'm going to do that one day'. Well this is one of those ideas and the night before National Comic Book day was the day.

I kept seeing all these tutorial or blog post about using newspaper, comic books, and magazine to cover a pair of flats or heels. A while back my husband and I got some random cheap comic books (half of them weren't of any value). Then I went on to Gabe's during there 50% off clearance sale and got a few pairs of shoes, each pair was $5.00 or less. Then I threw everything is a box when we moved. Forgot about it for a while. Then comic book day popped up on my phone I figured if not now then when. I already had mod podge, scissors, and an x-acto knife in my art room so I was good to go.

The shoes before.

First I wiped down the shoes and let them dry.
Then I went through the comic books I was planning to use and cut out all the parts I liked and a few extra pieces to use as filler. I eye balled most of the pieces when cutting them down to size.

Then I started painting the mod podge onto the flats and placing the comic book cut outs in random spots until I worked out my design.
Once everything was in place and secure. I put a topcoat of mod podge over the entire shoe. After a couple coats of mod podge I let them dry. Before wearing them out and about I tried them on at home to make sure everything was in place and to see if any parts would come loose.

Last I wore them on National Super Hero Day!