Monday, September 7, 2015


Last year for my nieces birthday her parents threw her a super hero costume party. My niece immediately gave me a list of a million different people she wanted to be and after much dicussion and debate she decided on Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy. 
First I had to figure out how to paint the leotard but have it stretched at the same time so I stuffed it with plastic bags to be stretched a little more then the actual size of my niece. I found some old demin fabric and painted it to look like the neck of Gamora's outfit. 
Next I took a pair of her jeans  and painted them added straps and a holster for whatever weapon she choose or to hold her juice box. After a couple fittings and adjustments it was finally the day of the party.
Got her into her leotard and started by painting her face green and using some purple and glitter facepaint to add details. Then we got her pants on and wet her hair to add the temporary red hair stuff top the ends of her hair. After that she was feeling herself just a little bit.
Last I touched up her green facepaint, put the green body paint and wrapped her hands in some black t-shirt fabric (as her gloves) and BOOM we have a mini Gamora. 

At her party

With her Mommy

Princess Leia

 Last year for Halloween I knew I'd be with the kids (godkids & nieces) for the whole week of festivites and I wanted to make a kick-ass costume that I coluld match at least one of the kids and I could stay warm in while roaming the neighborhoods or the local trunk or treats. My godson was probably the last kid to pick a costume and he choose Darth Vadar. I'd been wanting to make a Princess Leia costume (the white dress and buns one) for a looooooong time so I took this as my chance, 
I attempted to take pictures of the whole process of making this costume but I did make this whole thing last minute and I aint have time for that, but I can tell you how I did it all. First I started with a pack of white full bedsheets from Family Dollar. I laid them out on my floor and drew out the basic dress parttern. A front for the top, a back for the top, the skirt, 2 sleeves, a collar, and the hood. I didn't make a liner because I planned to wear layers of clothing underneath. I sewed together the top pieces first and added the sleeves. I initally made my sleeves too tight so that took quite a bit of adjusting. After I got the top to fit just right I added the skirt pieces. Last I stitched on the collar and added the hood. I left an opening in the back of the hood so my head would fit when I pulled the dress over my head. The belt was the easy part. I used sheets of foam, cut into strips, silver duct tape and puffy paint. After soome tweaking and adjusting and fighting my braids into buns I was ready to go.

My godson was happy and I was happy. While trick or treating in my parents neighborhood and people really liked my costume. A few people even asked if they could take my picture. I have no idea what i'm going to be this year but I think i'll get started now. lol